“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”

Blake RobbinsCommunity, Uncategorized

Sweat the small stuff

Have you ever heard the term “Don’t sweat the small stuff”? Rory Sutherland gave a TED Talk arguing that we should do just the opposite—we should sweat the small stuff. He claims that people tend to think that big problems … Read More

Operation Christmas Child

Blake RobbinsCommunity, Uncategorized

Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift

As we leaf the fall season, winter is looking right at us—and that means CHRISTMAS! Lights, decorations, Christmas trees, and gift giving and receiving are staples to celebrating the holiday. While this is a joyful season for most of us, … Read More

Thanksgiving 2020

Blake RobbinsAround the Home, Family, Uncategorized

Thanksgiving 2020

With Halloween in the rearview mirror, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. The holidays should create memories, not chaos. Here’s a few tips and tricks we wanted to share with you in order to make Thanksgiving 2020 great! Family and … Read More

Life Skills For New Adults

Blake RobbinsCommunity, Uncategorized

Life Skills

Becoming an adult is hard. There are so many new things to pay attention to and learn, with little preparation. To better help with the transition, here are 5 life skills for new adults to learn. 1.Money management. Money management … Read More

Enneagram in the Workplace

Blake RobbinsCommunity, Family, Uncategorized

Girl loving the Enneagram

The Enneagram has become a popular personality test in the past few years. Never heard of it? To briefly explain the enneagram, it is a collection of 9 different personality types, each very unique. Utilizing the Enneagram in the workplace … Read More